Tuesday 3 March 2020

Why You Should Try Fascial Stretching

Fascial Stretching
You already know that stretching is good for you, but what makes fascial stretching special? Athletes of all types swear by it; would it be good for you as well?

To understand the benefits of undergoing fascial stretch therapy in Burlington, ON, you need to first understand what fascia is. It’s the fibrous tissue that wraps and supports muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and more.

To stretch the fascia, the stretch therapist moves the joint along with the surrounding tissue, so both the fascia and muscle relax at the same time, restoring the natural elasticity and promoting rejuvenation. After a single session, you’ll likely notice less tension and a sense of deep relaxation.

Some of the benefits of fascial stretch therapy include:

Improved Performance: Run faster, lift more, boost endurance, improve coordination, and increase flexibility: the potential performance benefits of fascial stretching are near endless. Better yet, there’s plenty of studies to back up the claims.

Quicker Recovery: Fascial stretching doesn’t just reduce soreness; it also encourages blood flow to your tired muscles, helping you recover sooner from training. Likewise, it breaks up scar tissue and increases your range of motion in injured areas.

No Pain: Since fascial stretching is so gentle, you shouldn’t feel any pain at all during your sessions – just some mild pressure.

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