Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Correcting Poor Posture Due to a Poor Workspace

Poor Posture
It’s common knowledge that many people have desk jobs where they sit from four to eight hours, or even longer. It’s unhealthy for blood flow and overall health. Were usually sitting in an unnatural position that could severely damage our posture over time. Velocity Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation (also known as Velocity Sports Medicine & Training Centre), has many clients that want to correct their poor posture after many years of poor workspace conditions. Our team of experts in physio and sports medicine in Burlington, ON, can help you get you back on track to a healthy posture.


Using our computers and phones has quickly contributed to severe posture issues for many people in society. Due to our primarily sedentary lives, the need for physio and sports medicine is more necessary than ever. Even if you’re not an athlete, our team understands the importance of keeping muscles strong and flexible for your future. They can provide chiropractic services to release tension and prevent further harm.


Constant slouching, crossing legs or ankles, and poorly-designed work stations, all contribute to poor posture. We should take responsibility for our daily health, primarily since we work and relax in these positions. Investing in physio and sports medicine could help you stave future illnesses and see a healthier future.

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