Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Tips to Enhance Your Running Effectiveness

Running Effectiveness
When you reach a plateau in your running training, it can be hard to determine how to keep moving forward. Try these tips to bolster your progress and run more effectively:

Run with Purpose
It’s hard to measure improvement if you don’t know what you’re working towards. Set measurable goals for yourself that are challenging but achievable – and remind yourself about your goals often.

Why You Should Try Fascial Stretching

Fascial Stretching
You already know that stretching is good for you, but what makes fascial stretching special? Athletes of all types swear by it; would it be good for you as well?

To understand the benefits of undergoing fascial stretch therapy in Burlington, ON, you need to first understand what fascia is. It’s the fibrous tissue that wraps and supports muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and more.